I don’t know where to start actually, I will try to put my effort into making you understand the whole thing. To being with , the fact , I have recently joined a digital marketing institute, they asked me to create a website which I will be working on, for the rest of my course.
So out of all the options given to me , I choose to take a blog as my website. Because I like to write things about the way, how certain things make me happy and even about sad things too. Mostly when I am sad, I open my keep notes on my phone and start writing my feelings which makes my brain free from unnecessary thoughts. Once I am done writing I never think of that topic again. Later when I open it kind of seems funny the way I say things to myself and keep my thoughts hidden. Then I understood that I like to keep my issues myself no matter how hard it’s for me to bear with them.
So I was habituated to writing things down, but I felt like these writings wouldn’t be regular, I kept skipping to write down the important things. Writing it on notes can not help me with keep track of it So I decided writing a blog could help me express myself and keep track of all these and I Could even be a help to people who are just like me ..I hope